//Iodine for Horses – Uses, Signs of Deficiency & Requirements – Equine Supplements/
Iodine for Horses - Uses, Signs of Deficiency & Requirements - Equine Supplements
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Iodine is a trace mineral that is essential for normal thyroid function and metabolism in the horse.

Learn more about Trace Minerals for Horses https://madbarn.ca/how-to-supplement-trace-minerals-in-your-horses-diet/

Iodine is required to synthesize the thyroid hormones T4 and T3, which regulate metabolism in every cell in the body.

Horses that do not obtain enough of this mineral from their diet are at risk of developing goiter or an enlarged thyroid gland.

Other signs of low iodine include hypothyroid symptoms such as:

– hair loss
– rough coat
– flaky skin
– retarded growth
– muscle weakness
– low temperature
– lethargy
– brittle hooves.

Iodine content in the diet varies across geographic regions depending on how much of this mineral is naturally found in the soil.

The 2007 Nutrient Requirements of Horses guidelines stipulate that horses need at least 3.5-4.5 mg of dietary iodine per day. Some horses with
heavy work loads or pregnant and lactating mares may require more.

Iodized salt blocks are typically used to supplement levels of this mineral in horses. Kelp and other seaweeds are also good sources of iodine.

To find out whether your horse could benefit from more iodine in their diet, submit your horses diet at https://madbarn.ca/analyze-diet/ for a complimentary diet evaluation!