Painful hoof abscesses in horses develop when bacterial and fungal organisms enter the hoof structure through a wound or opening and cause infection in the inner tissues.

The invading microorganisms and the ensuing immune response generate purulent exudate (pus) which causes pressure inside the hoof. This leads to pain, structural damage and lameness.

To prevent potentially permanent damage and suffering, hoof abscesses should be treated promptly.

Clinical examination including a lameness evaluation, the use of hoof testers, and radiographic imaging can aid in the diagnosis of the condition.

Abscesses are treated by promoting drainage of the exudate within the hoof and clearing the infection from it. Supporting hoof growth and a strong hoof structure is critical to regaining comfort and mobility.

What is a Hoof Abscess?

A common cause of sudden lameness, hoof abscess refers to an accumulation of discharging liquid (pus) that is produced by infected tissue within the foot of the horse.

Equine hoof abscesses develop beneath the sole of the hoof and behind the hoof wall. [1][2]

Hoof abscesses can develop if microorganisms gain entrance through the hoof capsule (the epidermal layer) into the inner tissues of the hoof (the dermal layers).

Once inside the hoof, these microorganisms become trapped between the sensitive laminae (the tissue layer that bonds the hoof capsule to the coffin bone) and the hoof wall or sole and propagate. [3]

Bacterial Infection

The microorganisms involved with hoof abscesses promote the accumulation of exudate (pus) behind the hoof wall or sole and cause an increase in pressure in the hoof capsule. The increased pressure causes the horse immense pain. [4]

Bacterial entry into the hoof capsule is made possible through a crack or break in the tissues of the hoof. Infectious organisms may penetrate the hoof in the following ways: [1]

  1. A defect or separation in the wall of the hoof
  2. A crack in the junction between the wall and the sole of the hoof
  3. A puncture wound on the solar surface of the hoof in the sole or frog

Hoof abscesses are very painful for affected horses and severe lameness can result very quickly.

If left untreated, abscesses can spread throughout the tissues within the hoof and compromise the podotrochlear (navicular) apparatus if there was a puncture in that region, potentially resulting in permanent damage to the hoof and its internal structures. [5]

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Causes of a Hoof Abscess

Microorganisms must gain entrance into the hoof capsule to initiate the development of an abscess. The most common ways microorganisms can enter the hoof capsule including the following: [4]

  • Foreign objects such as nails, screws and glass can penetrate the hoof
  • Horseshoe nails placed inside in the area where the hoof wall meets the sole (in the white line)
  • Poor hoof quality due to genetic or environmental factors may compromise the integrity of the hoof
  • Wet conditions caused by rainy weather or dirty stalls can cause the hoof to soften and become vulnerable to bacteria entering
  • Brittle hooves caused by fluctuating moisture levels in the environment can promote cracked hooves
  • Improper hoof management that causes flares or crushed heels can weaken the hoof structure and cause fissures
  • Nutritional deficiencies, including in methionine, biotin, zinc, copper and essential fatty acids can compromise the integrity of the hoof wall and white line, lowering the ability to resist infection

All horses can be affected by hoof abscesses. Hoof abscesses are most likely to occur during the wettest seasons of the year including the spring and winter, although they can occur at any time.

How a Hoof Abscess Develops

An abscess forms after foreign material has entered the hoof through an open fissure and subsequently migrated deeper into the structure to form a tract inside of it.

The pressure exerted on the hoof due to the weight of the horse promotes the migration of the microorganisms into the innermost dermal tissues.

The immune system initiates an inflammatory response inside the dermal tissues of the hoof capsule in response to foreign debris in this area. [1] As the invading microorganisms propagate in the tissue, inflammatory cells infiltrate the affected area.

The release of enzymes from the inflammatory cells and microorganisms promotes the death of cells in the tissues (necrosis) and the development of a grey/black colored exudate. [1]

The accumulation of exudate and the presence of inflammation in the tissue elicits a painful response in the horse because the hoof is unable to accommodate swelling.

A hoof abscess forms as the body responds to the infection in the affected tissues by sealing off the area with a thin layer of fibrous tissue. [1]

Clinical Signs of a Hoof Abscess

Hoof abscesses can cause a variable degree of discomfort in affected horses, although most horses experience a rapid onset of severe lameness. In the early stages of the abscess, lameness may be subtle but can later progress to a non-weight bearing state.

A hoof with an abscess within it will be warmer to the touch than the other hooves.

The affected foot will also have a digital pulse that is greater in intensity compared to the other hooves. The pulse is more noticeable on one side of the affected foot if the infection is localized to one side.

If a hoof abscess has worsened over time, it can cause inflammation and swelling that extends into the pastern and even further up the leg past the fetlock joint. The pastern or heel bulbs and the coronary band may also be swollen.

Hoof Abscesses and Laminitis

Laminitis commonly causes bleeding or edema (fluid pockets) within the hoof wall or under the sole.

These may become infected if there is a tissue defect, even microscopic tears from stretching of the white line. Infected or not, the fluid or blood pockets cause increased pressure and pain. Some may be resorbed during the cleanup processes in the feet but many need to find a pathway out of the foot to drain.

This drainage process usually begins at approximately two weeks after an acute laminitis episode. The horse will be more lame at this time because finding a way out through the tissue is an inflammatory process.

It is a mistake to give the horse anti-inflammatory drugs at this time. They only slow down or halt the healing process while failing to significantly relieve the pain.

The horse can be given Tramadol or Fentanyl patches for pain without interfering with the drainage process. Poulticing and soaking can be used to speed resolution and reduce pain.

Development of septic (infected) or non-septic abscesses is a common sequela of laminitis. Horses with chronic laminitis or non-laminitic metabolic syndrome typically have stretched white lines and/or laminar wedge tissue which is porous and allows for bacterial colonization deep within the hoof, possibly contributing to the likelihood of future abscesses.

Diagnosing a Hoof Abscess

A veterinary exam including a lameness evaluation may be required to diagnose an abscess and rule out other types of injuries such as broken bones.

Symptoms of hoof abscesses are similar to symptoms of other conditions including severe sole bruising, laminitis, or a fractured coffin bone. Horses with abscesses secondary to laminitis are usually more lame at the abscess stage than they were initially. This can be mistaken for a laminitis flare or recurrence.

Hoof testers are a valuable tool for locating the focal area of pain in the foot of a horse with an abscess and for ruling out other causes of pain that extend over the entire foot. [2]

Using a pinching action, the hoof testers apply pressure over several spots on the hoof to determine if the horse is reactive.

A fissure or drain track may become evident after cleaning the hoof and removing old sole. However, in some horses affected by an abscess, the drain track is not visible.

If the drain track of an abscess cannot be located, x-rays (radiographs) may need to be taken to determine where it is. This form of imaging may help diagnose an abscess by indicating if accumulations of gas produced by the offending bacteria are present.

Infrared Thermography (IRT) has also proven to be a valuable tool for diagnosing hoof abscesses by measuring heat distribution within the hoof.

In a study of 66 horses, 10 of which had abscesses, researchers found that the latter group had hoof temperatures of 6.17 °C higher on average compared to the group of horses without abscesses. [6]

How to Treat a Hoof Abscess

Because hoof abscesses can be very painful for horses, some may benefit from analgesics (pain-relievers) to reduce their discomfort. Pain medications may be offered during the early part of treatment while the abscess is draining.

A veterinarian may prescribe bute (phenylbutazone), firocoxib, or banamine to control pain or swelling in severely affected horses. However, using these before drainage has started may slow or stop the process. Fentanyl patches or Tramadol are alternatives to discuss with your vet.

Antibiotics are not typically prescribed for equine hoof abscesses unless there is a clear cellulitis extending up the leg, or the horse is known to have had a deep puncture wound. [7]

Abscesses should always be treated as soon as possible to prevent extended suffering in affected horses. Treating an abscess promptly reduces the risk of the infection rupturing at the coronet band, a scenario that takes longer to treat and that can cause lasting damage to the foot. [1]

However, most abscess exit sites at the coronary band or heel bulbs heal uneventfully. A hole or slit will be seen growing down the hoof wall. This is not harmful and requires no treatment.

The most important factor in the successful treatment of a hoof abscess is ensuring the abscess has a drainage route. [1]

Establishing a Drainage Tract

An abscess with an obvious drainage track that is free of debris may be treated more easily than one without an established drainage route.

A veterinarian and/or farrier may be needed for the treatment of abscesses where proper drainage is not present.

In some horses, the infection may be present deep within their hoof if it has migrated beneath the sole or further behind the wall away from the sole wall junction or white line. [1]

A veterinarian or farrier may need to establish drainage in a horizontal plane above the sole using a small probe.

Caution must be taken to ensure no further damage to the hoof occurs if a drainage tract needs to be established.

A subsolar abscess should never be approached through the sole as this could lead to problems including hemorrhage and infection in the coffin bone. [1]

Medicated Products and Poultices

Different types of medicated products can be used for treating hoof abscesses.

Ichthammol ointment is a traditional treatment derived from coal tar which is beneficial for its pain-relieving and mild antiseptic properties. [1]

This ointment is also helpful for drawing infection out of wounds on the hoof or other parts of the body.

Poultices and Wraps

A poultice can be used to draw infection from the drainage tract of hoof abscess. [1] Using a poultice helps to soften the hoof tissues and promotes drainage through an existing tract situated between the abscess and outer hoof wall.

Poultices are typically applied to an abscessed hoof for 24 to 48 hours at a time. [1] To maximize the efficacy of the poultice treatment, cover the entire foot including the coronet band.

Commercial medicated poultice pads can be purchased. The pad is used by immersing it in hot water, squeezing it out, and then attaching it to the foot with a bandage. A waterproof tape, diaper, or hoof boot should be used to cover the area and protect the hoof from microorganisms entering the drainage tract.

However, while these are absorbent they fail to draw out moisture. For good drawing out of material, use magnesium sulfate soaks or clay poultice.

A “soak bandage” method may also be used. [1] This strategy involves wrapping the hoof in several layers of soft cotton material and placing Epsom salts inside the wrapping.

Over a period of 24 to 48 hours, the wrapped hoof is saturated in hot water multiple times.

Although soaking can encourage a hoof abscess to drain, oversoaking can weaken the structure and is potentially harmful. Follow your veterinarian’s advice as to how often to soak an abscessed hoof.

Considerations for laminitic horses

When over-softening is considered risky, as in a laminitic horse that is close to penetrating the sole, an alternative is to wrap the hoof in dry cotton or a lightweight towel then cover the entire hoof and halfway up the pastern with heavy duty plastic wrap before booting the foot or applying a duct tape bandage. The plastic wrap will hold in heat and moisture but will not over-soften.

Abscess Healing

After the abscess begins to drain, the horse typically experiences rapid pain relief over 24 hours. [1] Until healing is complete, the hoof should remain bandaged.

An antiseptic treatment such as betadine or two percent iodine should be applied to the drainage tract. Medicated putty may also be used within the drainage tract to ensure microorganisms cannot re-enter the hoof.

Horses being treated for an abscess should be housed in a clean, dry area, such as a well-bedded stall or small paddock. Bandages should be removed and changed daily.

An abscess is considered healed after the drainage tract dries out and the affected tissues have healed over the opening of the tract. Only after abscess healing is complete and the affected horse becomes fully sound should shoes be applied to its hooves.

When to Seek Veterinary Advice

Consult with your veterinarian in the following cases if your horse develops a hoof abscess:

  • A foreign object or nail has embedded itself in the hoof. Contact the veterinarian immediately so the hoof and the angle at which the foreign material entered it can be assessed
  • If treating a hoof abscess that continues to drain for more than 48 hours
  • The horse’s level of pain remains the same after the abscess has drained
  • The horse refuses to eat during the process of treating the abscess
  • Flesh begins to grow out of the drainage tract to the abscess

Typical Recovery Time

Horses with a mild infection due to a hoof abscess may be able to return to work in less than a week following treatment.

However, abscesses involving deep infections can take several weeks to resolve.

Abscess Recovery and Hoof Support

Full recovery from a hoof abscess requires regrowth of the hoof tissue to form a solid structure where the abscess created separation. This requires synthesis of the structural protein keratin, which is the most abundant protein in the hoof.

Optimal keratin synthesis relies on sufficient amino acid supply from the diet as well as several key nutrients, including biotin, zinc and copper.

Amino acids:

Keratin, like all proteins, is made of amino acids. Ensure the diet is providing adequate levels of essential amino acids, in particular lysine, methionine and threonine


Vitamin B7 (biotin) is a co-factor for enzymes for making keratin.

Several studies demonstrate that 15 – 20 mg of biotin per day is beneficial for supporting hoof hardness and increasing growth rate. [9][10][11][12][13]

Zinc and copper:

A proper balance of the microminerals zinc and copper supports keratin synthesis and provides antioxidant protection. It is recommended to provide these in their organic forms and in a 4:3:1 ratio of iron to zinc to copper in the total diet. [14]


There is anecdotal evidence suggesting the herb jiaogulan can support hoof health by increasing blood flow to the area. Jiaogulan contains gypenosides which activate nitric oxide synthase to increase nitric oxide production and blood flow. [15][16]

During the recovery period, increased blood flow can help deliver nutrients to the area and clear away waste to support tissue growth and repair.

In a case report, laminitic horses were given 1-2 grams of jiaogulan per 500 kg of body weight twice per day. They had better mental alertness and increased spontaneous movement.

Importantly, they returned to pasture soundness within 2 – 14 days and had improved lameness scores. [17]


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  • Supports circulation
  • Promotes hoof health
  • Supports muscle performance
  • Used in laminitic horses

Preventing Hoof Abscesses

Hoof abscesses are sometimes unavoidable, particularly if accidental penetration or injury is involved.

However, there are some steps you can take to decrease the risk:

  1. Ensure your horse’s environment is kept clean and dry. Maintain clean stalls and remove manure from paddocks on a regular basis
  2. Use a hoof hardener product to protect the hoof from damage caused by excess moisture during wet weather conditions. During dry weather conditions, use a product such as pine tar to help the hoof retain moisture
  3. Maintain your horse’s hooves on a regular farrier schedule to identify issues early and support healthy hoof structure
  4. Remove sharp objects including nails, pieces of metal, glass, or jagged rocks from your horse’s turnout area to reduce the risk of hoof injury

For guidance on formulating a hoof-healthy diet and supporting abscess recovery, submitting your horse’s diet and our nutritionists can provide you with a complementary consultation.

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  1. O’Grady, S. Hoof Abscesses: A Practical Approach. Virginia Therapeutic Farriery. 2021.
  2. Redding, W.R. et al. Septic diseases associated with the hoof complex: abscesses, punctures wounds, and infection of the lateral cartilage. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract. 2012. View Summary
  3. Fitzgerald, B.W. Hoof Abscesses. AAEP. 2021.
  4. Cuomo, F. Horse Hoof Abscesses. University of Minnesota Extension. 2021.
  5. Fessler, J.F. Hoof injuries. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract. 1989. View Summary
  6. Kim, S-M and Cho, G-J. Evaluation of Heat Distribution for the Diagnosis of the Hoof with Abscess by Infrared Thermography in Horses. Open Ag J. 2021.
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  8. Onishi, J.C. et al. Chronic laminitis is associated with potential bacterial pathogens in the laminae. Vet Microbiol. 2012. View Summary
  9. Comben, N. et al. Clinical observations on the response of equine hoof defects to dietary supplementation with biotin. Vet Rec. 1984. View Summary
  10. Josseck, H. et al. Hoof horn abnormalities in Lipizzaner horses and the effect of dietary on macroscopic aspects of hoof horn quality. Equine Vet J. 1995.
  11. Geyer, H. and Schulze, J. The long-term influence of biotin supplementation on hoof horn quality in horses. Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde. 1993.
  12. Reilly, J.D., et al. Effect of supplementary dietary biotin on hoof growth and hoof growth rate in ponies: a controlled trial. Equine Vet J. 2010.View Summary
  13. Buffa, Eugene et al. Effect of dietary biotin supplement on equine hoof horn growth rate and hardness. Equine Vet J. 1992. View Summary
  14. Mills, CF. Dietary interactions involving the trace elements. Annu Rev Nutr. 1985.
  15. Hinckley, KA et al. Nitric oxide donors as treatment for grass induced acute laminitis in ponies. Equine Vet J. 1996. View Summary
  16. Tanner, Miles A. et al. The Direct Release of Nitric Oxide by Gypenosides Derived from the Herb Gynostemma pentaphyllum. Nitric Oxide. 1999.
  17. Kellon, Eleanor. Use of the Herb Gynostemma pentaphyllum and the Blue-green Algae Spirulina Platensis in Horses. Equine Congress. 2006.